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Review of Module 1

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Review of Module 1

Lisa · January 23, 2022

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Congratulations. You’ve just completed the first module of the Introduction to Hypnosis Certificate called Understanding Hypnosis – the Basics. As you’re aware, that was a content based section, and it was designed to give you some basic information about hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Now, you know the difference between those two.

In the module, we also explored a little about what hypnosis is. We looked at the different levels of consciousness that are involved. When our clients are in hypnosis, they’re generally experiencing alpha and theta brainwaves. It’s not desirable for them to go into Delta. I hope you can recall, that’s deep sleep.

We also explored neuroplasticity and how it helps explain how people are able to make changes using hypnosis.

We looked at hypnosis as being part of our everyday lives rather than something that just happens in a clinical setting. I wonder if you’ve been more aware of those hypnotic moments in your own life since you began your course?

Next, we considered the benefits and pitfalls of hypnosis and when it is advisable to work with people and when it’s not. That is, when hypnosis is contraindicated. We spoke about the importance of working within our scope, even though there are potentially many, many uses for hypnotherapy. We looked at the different ways you can use hypnosis, and that has a very widespread application.

We looked at how you can be more confident that your client is experiencing hypnosis when you have those indicators of trance, particularly REM, that rapid eye movement, also changes in their breathing perhaps and also those ideomotor signals, those small, short, jerky movements.

Finally, we explored the fact that not all hypnosis is the same, and in fact, hypnosis falls into three main categories. So, there’s standardised hypnosis through the use of scripts. There’s traditional hypnosis, which has more of an emphasis on direct and authoritarian suggestions. Finally, we discussed that conversational hypnosis, which is the focus of our training at Aspire Hypnotherapy Training Providers.

The next module covers Foundational Skills. It is much more practical, and you’ll require to find someone, or perhaps several people, to practice working with.

Once again, congratulations on completing Module One, and I’ll see you in Module Two.
