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Review of Module 2

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Review of Module 2

Lisa · January 23, 2022

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So this brings us to the end of the Introduction to the Hypnosis Certificate and also the pre-requisite for the Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy. Congratulations on successfully completing these two modules.
In the second module that you’ve just completed, you looked at the various hypnotic phenomena that people often experience spontaneously in hypnosis, and in fact, these occur in our everyday lives too. By now though, you’re also aware, as a skilled hypnotherapist, we can use those hypnotic phenomena and utilise those hypnotic talents and abilities of our clients when we’re delivering our therapy.

We also explore different suggestibility tests, susceptibility tests and we looked at the value of these, particularly from a clinical perspective.
Much of this module, however, was about eliciting trance through inductions. We looked at many traditional inductions, as well as those more natural conversational inductions. Sometimes, the same induction was actually delivered in different ways – traditionally and more conversationally. This highlights just how flexible and creative you can be as a hypnotherapist. It’s one of the things, I personally, love about the job.

Naturally, you also looked at emerging clients from trance and the important things to note about that part of the process.
We looked at how to deepen that focus and internal absorption through the use of deepeners. A deepener provides that client time to develop their internal focus and hypnotic skills more fully.
Then all of the components covered were put together into the basic outline of a session.

Naturally, once you have somebody in hypnosis, it’s going to be important to work out what to say and how to say it to deliver your messages. Exploring different types of suggestions in that final section gives you the opportunity to start developing more flexibility in your communication.
We hope that you’ve enjoyed your experience with Aspire Hypnotherapy Training Providers. We hope you found it useful and a valuable use of your time and energy. if this is the end of your journey with us please consider leaving a review. As you know it can be difficult to choose who to train with, and your feedback can be very valuable in helping others.
If this is goodbye, then we want to thank you again for joining us and wish you the best of luck moving forward.

If you are continuing to build your hypnotic skills and talents with Aspire, then I look forward to you in our first online face to face module.
Remember, the more assessments you can do beforehand from these two modules, then the better equipped you’re going to be, to build on that learning in the face to face section.

Thank you once again for choosing Aspire Hypnotherapy Training Providers.
