.mov files that have been recorded on an iPhone are often large in size and have codecs that are not compatible with uploading to websites. The solution is to convert the file into an MP$ which is a worldwide standard with good compression (smaller video sizes)
If see an error message “Invalid file type” when the file is uploaded. Please use one of the the method below.
From a mobile phone.
Visit the URL https://www.freeconvert.com/mov-converter #

2. Upload the video that has been recorded on an iPhone. #

3. Wait for the video to upload, then press the convert button. #

4. Once the file is converted, download the file to your phone or computer. #

5. Upload the new mp4 file into the learning portal to complete the quiz or assessment. #

Method two #
Using your computer and an application called handbrake. This is a free tool to convert your .mov file to a .mp4 file. to learn how to install and use handbrake, please see the help article here. https://learn.ahtp.com.au/help/compressing-a-video/
Important information!
When converting your video to a handbrake, you must ensure that .mp4 is the selected output.